Urine Culture, Routine
Test Code: 395
CPT Code(s): 87086
Includes: If culture is positive, CPT code(s): 87088 (each isolate) will be added with an additional charge. Identification will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 87077 or 87140 or 87143 or 87147 or 87149). Antibiotic susceptibilities are only performed when appropriate (CPT code(s): 87181 or 87184 or 87185 or 87186).
Methodology: Semi-quantitative culture techniques and conventional and/or rapid identification methods
Clinical Significance: This culture is designed to quantitate the growth of significant bacteria when collected by the Clean Catch Guidelines or from indwelling catheters. Quantitative culturing of urine is an established tool to differentiate significant bacteruria from contamination introduced during voiding. This test has a reference range of less than 1,000 bacteria per mL. More than 95% of Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) are attributed to a single organism. Infecting organisms are usually present at greater that 100,000 per mL, but a lower density may be clinically important. In cases of UTI where more than one organism is present, the predominant organism is usually significant and others are probably urethral or collection contaminants. When multiple organisms are isolated from patients with indwelling catheters, UTI is doubtful and colonization likely.
Alternative Name(s): Urine, Routine Culture
Urine Culture, Special
Test Code: 3021
CPT Code(s): 87086
Includes: If culture is positive, CPT code(s): 87088 will be added with an additional charge. Identification will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 87077 or 87140 or 87143 or 87147 or 87149). Antibiotic susceptibilities are only performed when appropriate (CPT code(s): 87181 or 87184 or 87185 or 87186).
Methodology: Semi-quantitative culture techniques and conventional and/or rapid identification methods
Clinical Significance: Any bacterial colony count may be significant.
Alternative Name(s): Urine, SpecialCulture
Supply: U01 - C&S Gray Tube w/ Straw
Supply: U02 - 90mL Sterile w/ Green Lid
Preferred Specimen(s):
Urine Culture, Routine
4 ML random, clean catch, midstreem urine collection in gray-top urine transport tube
Female Clean Catch Instructions
Male Clean Catch Instructions
Urine Culture, Special
Urine from in-and-out (straight) straight catheter or suprapubic aspirate
Urine Culture, Routine
Open sterile urine cup
- Fill the dropper with urine from the sterile cup
- Using the dropper, fill to the fill line (4ML) indicated on the tube label.
- Place gray top on tube.
- Verify patients two identifiers on tube prior to packaging for transport.
Urine Culture, Special
Place specimen in gray-top urine transport tube. Indicate source of specimen on both the test requisition and specimen transport device.
Preferred Volume: 4mL
Transport Container: 4 ML vacutainer(tm) gray-top urine transport tube
Sterile Container: Only for specimens less than 4mL from Pediatric specimens or from patients with renal abnormalities
Transport Temperature:
Preserved: room temperature or refrigerated (COLD PACKS)
Unpreserved: refrigerated (COLD PACKS) only
Specimen Stability:
Room temperature (Preserved specimens): 48 hours
Refrigerated (Unpreserved specimens): 24 hours
Reject Criteria: Preserved Urine >48 Hours Old; Unpreserved Refrigerated Urine >24 Hours Old; Unpreserved, Not Refrigerated Urines; Urine Tube Not Filled To Minimum Fill Line; Foley Tips; Received Frozen; Specimens From Catheter Bag; Urine In Urinalysis Transport Tube; Requests For Anaerobic Culture; Expired Transport Devices; 24-hour Urine Collections; Leaking Samples; Swabs; Uricult Devices
For additional supply or collection device information, please contact DLO's Customer Service at (800) 891-2917, option 2.
The CPT codes provided are based on AMA guidelines and are for informational purposes only. CPT coding is the sole responsibility of the billing party. Please direct any questions regarding coding to the payor being billed.