ICD-10 and CPT 2022

Click here to view the latest ICD-10 and CPT 2022 updates

The American Medical Association (AMA) has made Current Procedural Terminology CPT® code changes to the 2022 edition of the CPT.

Diagnostic Laboratory of Oklahoma (DLO) will be implementing these changes effective January 1, 2022. Overall, the changes for 2022 AMA CPT coding affect the way we bill some of our tests. These tests may also be included in panels or profiles. The chart below lists some of the tests affected and the appropriate CPT code changes. Please refer to the Quest Diagnostics Test Directory for further detail on reflexing information.

Download a PDF of the CPT® Code Changes for 2022 Table

DLO Order Code DLO Test Name 2021 CPT Coding 2022 CPT Coding
15043 Actin (Smooth Muscle) Antibody (IgG) 83516 86015
37491 ANA Screen, IFA, with Reflex to Titer and Pattern/Lupus Panel 5 83516 (x3), 86038, 86160 (x2), 86235 (x5), 86255 (x5), 86376, 86431 with possible reflexes 83516 (x2), 86015, 86038, 86160 (x2), 86235 (x5), 86255 (x4), 86381, 86376, 86431 with possible reflexes. If Mitochondrial Antibody is positive, Mitochondrial Antibody Titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86381).
19880 ANA Screen, IFA, with Reflex to Titer and Pattern/Sjogren's Panel 2 86038, 86431, 86235 (x2), 86255, 86376 with possible reflexes 86038, 86431, 86235 (x2), 86381, 86376 with possible reflexes. If Mitochondrial Antibody Screen is positive, then Mitochondrial Antibody Titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86381).
59258 ANCA Screen 86021 86036
70159 ANCA Screen with MPO and PR3, with Reflex to ANCA Titer 86021 (x3) with possible reflexes 86021 (x2), 86036 with possible reflex. If ANCA Screen is positive, then C-ANCA Titer and/or P-ANCA Titer, and/or atypical P-ANCA Titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86037 for each titer performed).
37441 ANCA Screen with Reflex Titer (REFL) 86021 with possible reflexes 86036 with possible reflex for titers. If ANCA Screen is positive, then C-ANCA Titer and/or P-ANCA Titer, and/or atypical P-ANCA Titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86037 for each titer performed).
70171 ANCA Screen with Reflex to ANCA Titer 86021 with possible reflex for titers (86021 for each titer) 86036 with possible reflex for titers. If ANCA Screen is positive, then C-ANCA Titer and/or P-ANCA Titer, and/or atypical P-ANCA Titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86037 for each titer performed).
38323 Aquaporin-4 (AQP4) (NMO-IgG) Antibody with Reflex to Titer, CSF 86255 with possible reflex to 86256 86052 with possible reflex to 86052
38321 Aquaporin-4 (AQP4) (NMO-IgG) Antibody with Reflex to Titer, Serum 86255 with possible reflex to 86256 86052 with possible reflex to 86052
90382 Aquaporin-4 (AQP4) Antibody (NMO-IgG), ELISA 83516 86051
3608 Autoantibody Screen with Reflex to Titer 86255 (x3) with possible reflexes to 86256 (x3) 86255, 86381, 86015 with possible reflexes to titers. 
(CPT(s): Parietal Cell Antibody Titer 86256, Mitochondrial Antibody Titer 86381, Smooth Muscle Antibody Titer 86015).
90133 Autoimmune Cerebellar Ataxia Panel 82784, 83516, 83519, 86255 with possible reflexes 82784, 86596, 86364, 86255 with reflexes.
If Tissue Transglutaminase (tTG) Antibody (IgA) is positive (>8), then Endomysial Antibody Screen (IgA) will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86231).
If Endomysial Antibody Screen (IgA) is positive, then Endomysial Antibody Titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86231).
If Immunoglobulin A is abnormal, then Tissue Transglutaminase (tTG) Antibody (IgG) will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86364).
19873 Autoimmune Hepatitis Diagnostic Panel 86038, 86255, 83516, 86376 with possible reflexes 86038, 86381, 86015, 86376 with reflexes. 
If Mitochondrial Antibody Screen is positive, then Mitochondrial Antibody Titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86381).
91705 Autoimmune Hepatitis Differential Panel for Hep-C Patient 86038, 86255, 83516, 86376, 83520 with possible reflexes 86038, 86381, 86015, 86376, 83520 with reflexes.
If Mitochondrial Antibody Screen is positive, then Mitochondrial Antibody Titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86381).
93888 Autoimmune Neurology Antibody Comprehensive Panel with Reflexes, Serum 86255 (x20), 86341 (x2), 84182 (x11), 83519 (x5) 86255 (x20), 86341 (x2), 84182 (x11), 83519 (x5) with reflexes.
If Autoimmune Neurology Antibody Comprehensive Panel suggests NMO-5 IgG, then Aquaporin-4 Antibody will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86052).
If Aquaporin-4 Antibody is positive, then titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86052).
19955 Celiac Disease Comprehensive Panel 83516, 82784 with possible reflexes 86364, 82784 with reflexes. 
If Tissue Transglutaminase (tTG) Antibody (IgA) is Detected, then Endomysial Antibody Screen (IgA) will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86231).
If Endomysial Antibody Screen (IgA) is Positive, then Endomysial Antibody Titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86231).
If Immunoglobulin A is less than the lower limit of the reference range, based on age, Tissue Transglutaminase (tTG) Antibody (IgG) will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86364).
36331 Celiac Disease Comprehensive Panel with Gliadin Antibodies (Age 5 and Under) 83516 (x3), 82784 with possible reflexes 86258 (x2), 86364, 82784 with reflexes.
If Tissue Transglutaminase (tTG) Antibody (IgA) is Detected (≥4 U/mL), then Endomysial Antibody (IgA) Screen with Reflex to Titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86231).
If Endomysial Antibody (IgA) Screen is Positive, then Endomysial Antibody Titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86231).
If Immunoglobulin A is flagged as low based on age appropriate reference range, or if no age is provided and Immunoglobulin A result is <31 mg/dL, then Tissue Transglutaminase (tTG) Antibody (IgG) will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86364).
36336 Celiac Disease Comprehensive Panel with Gliadin Antibody (IgG) 83516, 82784 with possible reflexes 86364, 82784 with reflexes.
If Tissue Transglutaminase (tTG) Antibody (IgA) is Detected (≥4 U/mL), then Endomysial Antibody (IgA) Screen with Reflex to Titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86231).
If Endomysial Antibody (IgA) Screen is Positive, then Endomysial Antibody Titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86231).
If Immunoglobulin A is flagged as low based on age- appropriate reference range, or if no age is provided and Immunoglobulin A result is <47 mg/dL, then Tissue Transglutaminase (tTG) Antibody (IgG) and Gliadin (Deamidated) Antibody (IgG) will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86364, 86258).
15981 Celiac Disease Comprehensive Panel, Infant 83516 (x2), 82784 with possible reflexes 86364, 86258, 82784 with possible reflexes.
If Tissue Transglutaminase (tTG) Antibody (IgA) is Detected, then Endomysial Antibody Screen (IgA) will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86231).
If the Endomysial Antibody Screen (IgA) is Positive, then Endomysial Antibody Titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86231).
If Immunoglobulin A is less than the lower limit of the reference range, based on age, then Transglutaminase (tTG) Antibody (IgG) will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86364).
58319 Celiac Disease Panel 2 with Reflex to Endomysial Antibody Titer 82784, 83516 (x4), 86255 with possible reflexes 82784, 86258, 86364, 86231 possible reflex.
If Endomysial Antibody (IgA) Screen is Positive, then Endomysial Antibody Titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86231).
17612 Celiac Disease Panel without Gliadin 82784, 83516 82784, 86364
15681 Celiac Disease Diagnostic Panel 83516 (x4), 82784 86364 (x2), 86258 (x2), 82784
94958 Encephalitis Antibody Evaluation with Reflex to Titer and Line Blot, CSF 86255 (x20), 86341, 83519 with possible reflexes 86255 (x19), 86052, 86341, 83519 with reflexes.
5) If the Mosaic CBA is positive for any given analyte (NMDAR1, AMPAR1, AMPAR2, GABA-B Receptor, LGI-1, CASPR2), and the individual CBAs DPPX and Aquaporin 4 Antibody, then that analyte will be titered at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86256 for each titer performed, 86052 for AQP4 titer).
7) If the Aquaporin 4 (NMO, neuromyelitis optica) CBA is positive, then Aquaporin- 4 CBA Titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86052).
94955 Encephalitis Antibody Evaluation with Reflex to Titer and Line Blot, Serum 86255 (x20), 86341, 83519 (x4) with possible reflexes 86255 (x19), 86052, 86341, 83519 (x2), 86596 (x2) with reflexes.
5) If the Mosaic CBA is positive for any given analyte (NMDAR1, AMPAR1, AMPAR2, GABA-B Receptor, LGI-1, CASPR2), and the individual CBAs DPPX and Aquaporin- 4 Antibody, then that analyte will be titered at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86256 for each titer performed, 86052 for AQP4 titer).
7) If the Aquaporin- 4 (NMO, neuromyelitis optica) CBA is positive, then Aquaporin- 4 CBA Titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86052).
91985 Endomysial (IgG) Antibody Screen and Titer 86255 with possible reflex to 86256 86231 with possible reflex to 86231
15064 Endomysial Antibody (IgA) Screen with Reflex to Titer 86255 with possible reflex to 86256 86231 with possible reflex to 86231
94959 Epilepsy Antibody Evaluation with Reflex to Titer and Line Blot, CSF 86255 (x20), 86341, 83519 with possible reflexes 86255 (x19), 86052, 86341, 83519 with reflexes.
5) If the Mosaic CBA is positive for any given analyte (NMDAR1, AMPAR1, AMPAR2, GABA-B Receptor, LGI-1, CASPR2), and the individual CBAs DPPX and Aquaporin- 4 Antibody, then that analyte will be titered at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86256 for each titer performed, 86052 for AQP4 titer).
7) If the Aquaporin- 4 (NMO, neuromyelitis optica) CBA is positive, then Aquaporin- 4 CBA Titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86052).
94956 Epilepsy Antibody Evaluation with Reflex to Titer and Line Blot, Serum 86255 (x20), 86341, 83519 (x4) with possible reflexes 86255 (x19), 86052, 86341, 83519 (x2) 86596 (x2) with reflexes.
5) If the Mosaic CBA is positive for any given analyte (NMDAR1, AMPAR1, AMPAR2, GABA-B Receptor, LGI-1, CASPR2), and the individual CBAs DPPX and Aquaporin- 4 Antibody, then that analyte will be titered at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86256 for each titer performed, 86052 for AQP4 titer).
7) If the Aquaporin- 4 (NMO, neuromyelitis optica) CBA is positive, then Aquaporin- 4 CBA, Titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86052).
11228 Gliadin (Deamidated) Antibody (IgA) 83516 86258
11212 Gliadin (Deamidated) Antibody (IgG) 83516 86258
8889 Gliadin (Deamidated) Antibody (IgG, IgA) 83516 (x2) 86258 (x2)
3333 Hydroxychloroquine, (Blood) 80299 80220
30095 Hydroxychloroquine, S/P 80299 80220
11306 Lambert-Eaton Syndrome Antibody Panel 83519 (x3), 86255 83519 (x2), 86596, 86255
16503 Inflammatory Bowel Disease Differentiation Panel 86021 (x3), 86671 (x2) with possible reflexes 86021 (x2), 86036, 86671 (x2) with reflexes.
If ANCA Screen is positive, then C-ANCA Titer and/or P-ANCA Titer, and/or atypical P-ANCA Titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86037 for each titer performed).
34473 Interleukin-6 (IL-6), Serum 83520 83521
15061 Kappa Light Chain, Free, Serum 83520 83521
15076 Kappa Light Chain, Free, Urine 83520 83521
11234 Kappa/Lambda Light Chains, Free with Ratio 83520 (x2) 83521 (x2)
15122 Kappa/Lambda Light Chains, Free with Ratio and Reflex to Immunofixation 83520 (x2) 83521 (x2)
11233 Kappa/Lambda Light Chains, Free with Ratio, Random Urine 83520 (x2) 83521 (x2)
15075 Lambda Light Chain, Free, Serum 83520 83521
15087 Lambda Light Chain, Free, Urine 83520 83521
259 Mitochondrial Antibody with Reflex to Titer 86255 with possible reflex to 86256 86381 with possible reflex to 86381
30321 Mitochondria M2 Antibody (IgG), EIA 83520 86381
36954 Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein (MOG)Antibody with Reflex to Titer, CSF 86255 with possible reflex to 86256 86362 with possible reflex to 86362
36952 Myelin Oligodendrocyte Glycoprotein (MOG)Antibody with Reflex to Titer, Serum 86255 with possible reflex to 86256 86362 with possible reflex to 86362
38479 Myeloma Detection Panel, Basic 84155, 84165, 86334, 83520 (x2) 84155, 84165, 86334, 83521 (x2)
38480 Myeloma Detection Panel, Comprehensive 84155, 84165, 86334, 83520 (x2), 84156, 84166, 82570, 86335 84155, 84165, 86334, 83521 (x2), 84156, 84166, 82570, 86335
91636 NeoComplete Paraneoplastic Evaluation with Recombx® 86255 (x3), 86341, 83519 (x3), 83520 (x8) 86255 (x3), 86341, 83519 (x2), 86596 83520 (x8)
38313 NMO Spectrum Evaluation (AQP4 with Reflex to MOG), CSF 86255 with possible reflexes 86052 with reflexes.
If the Aquaporin -4 Antibody, CSF is positive, then Aquaporin -4 Antibody, Titer, CSF will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code: 86052).
If the Aquaporin 4 Antibody, CSF is negative, then MOG Antibody, CBA will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code: 86362).
If the MOG Antibody, CBA, CSF is positive, then MOG Antibody, Titer, CSF will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code: 86362).
38312 NMO Spectrum Evaluation (AQP4 with Reflex to MOG), Serum 86255 with possible reflexes 86052 with reflexes.
If the Aquaporin -4 Antibody, Serum is positive, then AQP4 Antibody, Titer, Serum will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code: 86052).
If the Aquaporin 4 Antibody, Serum is negative, then MOG Antibody, CBA, Serum will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code: 86362).
If the MOG Antibody, CBA, Serum is positive, then MOG Antibody, Titer, Serum will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code: 86362).
14693 Pancreatic Elastase-1 83520 82653
94536 Paraneoplastic Antibody Evaluation with Reflex to Titer and LB, Basic, CSF 86255 (x10), 86341 with possible reflexes 86255 (x10), 86341 with reflexes.
If the Paraneoplastic Ab Screen, IFA is positive for Aquaporin-4 Ab, IFA, then Aquaporin-4 (AQP4) Antibody (IgG), CBA, CSF will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s) 86052).
If Aquaporin-4 (AQP4) Antibody (IgG), CBA result is positive, then a titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s) 86052).
93876 Paraneoplastic Antibody Evaluation w/Reflex to Titer and Line Blot, Basic 86255 (x10), 83519 (x5) 86255 (x10), 83519 (x3), 86596 (x2) with reflexes.
94960 Paraneoplastic Antibody Expanded Evaluation with Reflex to Titer and Line Blot, CSF 86255 (x20), 86341, 83519 with possible reflexes 86255 (x19), 86052, 86341, 83519 with reflexes.
5) If the Mosaic CBA is positive for any given analyte (NMDAR1, AMPAR1, AMPAR2, GABA-B Receptor, LGI-1, CASPR2), and the individual CBAs DPPX and Aquaporin- 4 Antibody, then that analyte will be titered at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86256 for each titer performed, 86052 for AQP4 Titer).
7) If the Aquaporin 4 (NMO, neuromyelitis optica) CBA is positive, then Aquaporin- 4 CBA, Titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86052).
94957 Paraneoplastic Antibody Expanded Evaluation with Reflex to Titer and Line Blot, Serum 86255 (x20), 86341, 83519 (x4) with possible reflexes 86255 (x19), 86052, 86341, 83519 (x2), 86596 (x2) with reflexes.
If the Aquaporin-4 (NMO, neuromyelitis optica) CBA is positive, then Aquaporin4 , CBA, Titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86052).
19876 Primary Biliary Cholangitis (PBC) Diagnostic Panel 83516, 86038, 86235 (x2), 86255, 86376 (x2) with possible reflexes 86015, 86038, 86235 (x2), 86381, 86376 (x2) with reflexes.
If Mitochondrial Antibody Screen is positive, then Mitochondrial Antibody Titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86381).
15977 Sensory Neuropathy Complete Antibody Panel 84181, 86255, 82595, 86334, 82784 (x3), 86431, 86235 (x2), 86038, 86021 (x3), 83516, 83520 (x3) with possible reflexes 84181, 86255, 82595, 86334, 82784 (x3), 86431, 86235 (x2), 86038, 86021 (x2), 86036, 86364, 83520 (x3) with reflexes.
If ANCA Screen is positive, then C-ANCA Titer and/or P-ANCA Titer, and/or atypical P-ANCA Titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86037 for each titer performed).
If IgA, Serum is abnormal, then Tissue Transglutaminase (tTG) Antibody (IgG) will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86364).
If (tTG) Antibody (IgA) is positive (>8), then Endomysial Antibody Screen (IgA) with Reflex to Titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86231).
If Endomysial Antibody Screen (IgA) is positive, then Endomysial Antibody Titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86231).
90136 Sensory-Motor Neuropathy Complete Antibody Panel 84181, 86255, 82595, 86334, 82784 (x3), 86431, 86235 (x2), 86038, 86021 (x3), 83516, 83520 (x9) 84181, 86255, 82595, 86334, 82784 (x3), 86431, 86235 (x2), 86038, 86021 (x2), 86036, 86364, 83520 (x9) with reflexes.
If ANCA Screen is positive, then C-ANCA Titer and/or P-ANCA Titer, and/or atypical P-ANCA Titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86037 for each titer performed)
If IgA (Immunoglobulin A) is abnormal, then Tissue Transglutaminase (tTG) Antibody (IgG) will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86364).
If Tissue Transglutaminase (tTG) Antibody (IgA) is positive (≥15.0 U/mL), then Endomysial Antibody Screen (IgA) with Reflex to Titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86231).
If Endomysial Antibody Screen (IgA) is positive, then Endomysial Antibody Titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86231).
263 Smooth Muscle Antibody with Reflex to Titer 86255 with possible reflex to 86256 86015 with possible reflex to 86015
37466 Smooth Muscle Antibody and Mitochondrial Antibody 86255 (x2) with possible reflexes 86015, 86381 with possible reflexes.
If Smooth Muscle Antibody Screen is positive, Smooth Muscle Antibody Titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86015).
If Mitochondrial Antibody Screen is positive, Mitochondrial Antibody Titer will be performed at an additional charge (CPT code(s): 86381).
11073 Tissue Transglutaminase (tTG) Antibodies (IgG, IgA) 83516 (x2) 86364 (x2)
17309 Tissue Transglutaminase (tTG) Antibody (IgA) (REFL) 83516 86364
11070 Tissue Transglutaminase (tTG) Antibody (IgG) 83516 86364
8821 Tissue Transglutaminase (tTG) Antibody (IgA) 83516 86364
93882 Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel (VGCC) Type N Antibody 83519 86596
34057 Voltage-Gated Calcium Channel (VGCC) Type P/Q Antibody 83519 86596
19682 Coagulation Consultation 80500 or 80502 depending on complexity Dependent on the complexity of the consultation, 81503 or 81504 or 81505 may be assigned. 81506 may also be billed if high complexity with more than 60 minutes of time spent for the consultation.
19674 Lupus Anticoagulant and Antiphospholipid Confirmation (on Coumadin®) with Consultation 85598, 85610, 85613, 85670, 86146 (x2), 86147 (x2), 80500 or 80502 depending on complexity Dependent on the complexity of the consultation, 81503 or 81504 or 81505 may be assigned. 81506 may also be billed if high complexity with more than 60 minutes of time spent for the consultation.
19651 Lupus Anticoagulant and Antiphospholipid Confirmation (non-Coumadin) with Consultation 85613, 85730, 86147 (x2), 86146 (x2), 80500 or 80502 depending on complexity Dependent on the complexity of the consultation, 81503 or 81504 or 81505 may be assigned. 81506 may also be billed if high complexity with more than 60 minutes of time spent for the consultation.
19651 Menorrhagia Screen with Consultation 85240, 85245, 85246, 85270, 85610, 85730 with 80500 or 80502 Dependent on the complexity of the consultation, 81503 or 81504 or 81505 may be assigned. 81506 may also be billed if high complexity with more than 60 minutes of time spent for the consultation.
19671 Recurrent Miscarriage Evaluation/Coagulation Panel with Consultation 83090, 85300, 85303, 85306, 85613, 85730, 86148 (x2), 86146 (x3), 86147 (x3), 81240, 81241, 80500 or 80502 depending on complexity Dependent on the complexity of the consultation, 81503 or 81504 or 81505 may be assigned. 81506 may also be billed if high complexity with more than 60 minutes of time spent for the consultation.
19668 Recurrent Miscarriage Evaluation/Coagulation Panel with Consultation (NY) 83090, 85300, 85303, 85306, 85613, 85730, 86148 (x2), 86146 (x3), 86147 (x3), 81240, 81241, 80500 or 80502 depending on complexity Dependent on the complexity of the consultation, 81503 or 81504 or 81505 may be assigned. 81506 may also be billed if high complexity with more than 60 minutes of time spent for the consultation.
19655 Venous Thrombosis Hypercoag Panel w/Reflex, Consultation (Warfarin Patient) 81240, 85307, 85300, 85240, 83090, 86147 (x2), 86146 (x2), 85598, 85613, 80500 or 80502 depending on complexity Dependent on the complexity of the consultation, 81503 or 81504 or 81505 may be assigned. 81506 may also be billed if high complexity with more than 60 minutes of time spent for the consultation.
19656 Venous Thrombosis Hypercoagulability Panel with Reflex and Consultation 85307, 81240, 85303, 85306, 85305, 85300, 83090, 86147 (x2), 85240, 86146 (x2), 85730, 85613, 80500 or 80502 depending on complexity Dependent on the complexity of the consultation, 81503 or 81504 or 81505 may be assigned. 81506 may also be billed if high complexity with more than 60 minutes of time spent for the consultation.

We appreciate your support and look forward to continuing to serve all of your laboratory needs. DLO will make every effort to assist you with the transition to the 2021 AMA CPT coding being used for our test offerings.

Thank you very much for using DLO for your laboratory testing needs.

Note: The CPT codes provided are based on AMA guidelines and are for informational purposes only. CPT coding is the sole responsibility of the billing party. Please direct any questions regarding coding to the payer being billed.

As we usher in 2025, it presents a perfect opportunity to prioritize our well-being and set meaningful health goals.  The New Year often inspires us to rethink our health and wellness strategies, and with the right support, it can be easier than ever to achieve our aspirations.

As the holidays approached, Diagnostic Laboratory of Oklahoma (DLO) set an ambitious target to provide over 4,000 meals to those in need throughout the state.  Partnering with the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma, the DLO team mobilized to tackle food insecurity during this vital