Test code: 8467
Methodology: Immunochromatography
Includes: Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
Alternative name(s): RSV, RSV AG by EIA, RSV EIA, RSV-Direct Antigen
Clinical significance: RSV is considered the single most important virus affecting infants and young adults, causing acute lower respiratory tract illness; Mainly Bronchiolitis and Pneumonia. Adults are susceptible to infection but usually experience mild respiratory tract illness. Elderly patients may suffer severe lower respiratory tract disease.
Supply: S05 - VCM Nasal Swab
Preferred specimen(s): Nasopharyngeal aspirate/wash
Preferred volume:
- Nasopharyngeal aspirate/wash: 2mL
Transport container: Nasal VCM
Transport temperature: Refrigerated (cold packs)
Specimen stability: Refrigerated: 48 hours
Rejection Criteria: Received at room temperature, specimens on calcium alginate swabs, specimens from sites other than those listed as preferred or acceptable
For additional supply or collection device information, please contact DLO's Customer Service at (800) 891-2917, option 2.