
Supply #T05 - Red Top Tube (NO GEL) 10mL

Test Code: 805

CPT Code(s): 80196

Includes: Salicylate

Methodology: Enzymatic/Colormetric

Clinical Significance: Measurement of serum salicylate is used to assess potential overdose. Serum level correlates with the degree of toxicity. Salicylates have many systemic and some local uses. The systemic uses include antipyresis, analgesia, acute pheumatic fever, and rheumatoid arthritis. Antipyresis therapy is reserved for patients in whom fever in itself may be deleterious. And as analgesic, it is used to treat headaches, arthiritis, dysmenorrhea, neuralgia and myalgia. In acute rheumatic fever, salicylates suppress the acute exudative inflammatory process of the disease. When treating rheumatoid arthritis it is the standard to which all other drugs are compared for effectiveness. It reduces the inflammation in joint tissue and surrounding structures. It is also successful in treating children with Bartter's Syndrome.

Additional names: Salicylate

Collection Guide

Supply: T05 Red Top Tube (NO GEL) 10mL

Preferred Specimen: Serum

Preferred Volume: 2mL

Transport Container: Red Top Tube (NO GEL)

Transport Temperature: Refrigerated

Specimen Stability: Refrigerated: 2 weeks

Reject due: EDTA plasma is not acceptable; Gross hemolysis; Hyperlipemic

Special Instructions: Hemolyzed and lipemic samples should not be used.

For additional supply or collection device information, please contact DLO's Customer Service at (800) 891-2917, option 2.

The CPT codes provided are based on AMA guidelines and are for informational purposes only. CPT coding is the sole responsibility of the billing party. Please direct any questions regarding coding to the payor being billed.

Additional names
CPT Code(s)
Test Code