Sed Rate by Modified Westergren, Manual
Test Code: 29891
CPT Code: 85651
Alternative Name(s): Sed rate; ESR, Erythrocyte sedimentation rate; Westergren sed rate
Methodology: Modified Westergren
Clinical Significance: Useful in differentiating inflammatory and neoplastic diseases and as an index of disease serverity.
Sed Rate by Modified Westergren
Test Code: 809
CPT Code: 85652
Alternative Name(s): Sed rate; ESR, Erythrocyte sedimentation rate; Westergren sed rate, Zeta Rate
Methodology: Modified Westergren
Clinical Significance: Useful in differentiating inflammatory and neoplastic diseases and as an index of disease serverity. CRP is also useful in monitoring inflammatory disease states.
Supply: #193292 Lavender 4mL Blood Tube
Preferred Specimen: Whole Blood, EDTA
Preferred Volume: 4mL
Transport Container: EDTA Lavender-top 4mL tube
Transport Temperature: Room Temperature
Specimen Stability: Room Temperature: 24 hours
Reject Criteria: Samples >24 hours old; clotted, insufficient quanitity, hemolysis, cold agglutinins, clotted specimens
For additional test, supply, or collection device information, please contact DLO's Customer Service at (800) 891-2917, option 2.
The CPT codes provided are based on AMA guidelines and are for informational purposes only. CPT coding is the sole responsibility of the billing party. Please direct any questions regarding coding to the payor being billed.