Test Code: 7909
CPT Code(s): 81003
Includes: a microscopic examination is performed, when appropriate, at an additional charge (cpt code(s): 81015).
**This order code does not include Reflex to Culture**
If reflex to culture is desired: Please order Test Code 3020, “Urinalysis, Complete, with Reflex to Culture”
Methodology: Reagent impregnated strips/tablets/microscopic examination if urine macroscopic or dipstick indicates
Clinical Significance: Dipstick urinalysis measures chemical constituents of urine. Microscopic examination helps to detect the presence of cells, bacteria, yeast and other formed elements.
Supply: U02 - 90mL Sterile Urine Cup w/ Green Lid
Supply: U03 - UA Tube w/Yellow Cap
Preferred specimen(s): 10 ml clean catch mid-stream urine collection using sterile cup - urinalysis transport tube (yellow top, blue fill line, preservative tube). Do not fill above the blue line.
Pediatric specimen(s): Refrigerated unpreserved sample
Specimen Submission Instructions
- Open urine cup
- Fill the pipet with urine from the cup
- Using the dropper, fill to the max fill line (10ML) indicated on the tube label.
- Place yellow top on ths tube.
- Verify patients two identifiers on tube prior to packaging for transport.
- Store at room temperature until pick-up.
Note: The yellow-top tube with blue fill cannot be used for collection and transport of specimen for a urine culture.
Transport container: Yellow-top, blue fill line urinalysis transport tube
- Preserved: room temperature
- Pediatric unpreserved: refrigerated (cold packs)
- Room temperature: 72 hours preserved specimen
- Refrigerated: 24 hours unpreserved pediatric specimen
- Unpreserved specimen (adults)
- Yellow/red swirl-topped conical transport tube with preservative
For additional supply or collection device information, please contact DLO's Customer Service at (800) 891-291, option 2.
The CPT codes provided are based on AMA guidelines and are for informational purposes only. CPT coding is the sole responsibility of the billing party. Please direct any questions regarding coding to the payor being billed.