D-F Test Listing


Test code: 461

Methodology: Photo-optical

Clinical Significance: Fibrinogen is essential for the formation of a blood clot. Deficiency can produce mile to severe bleeding disorders.

Includes: Fibrinogen

Alternative Name(s): Not applicable


Test Code: 457

CPT Code(s):82728

Includes: Ferritin

Methodology: Immunoassay (IA)

Clinical Significance: Useful in the diagnosis of hypochromic, microcytic anemias. Decreased in iron deficiency anemia and increased in iron overload.

Alternative Name(s): N/A

Food Allergy Profile

Test Code: 36763 (Food and Tree Nut Allergy Panel with Reflex to Components) or 36762 (Food and Tree Nut Allergy Panel)

CPT Code(s): 86003 (x15)

Includes: IgE allergy testing for: Almond (f20); Cashew Nut (f207); Codfish (f3); Cow's Milk (f2); Egg White (f11); Hazelnut (f17); Peanut (f13); Salmon (f41); Scallop (f338); Sesame Seed (f10); Shrimp (f24); Soybean (f14); Tuna (f40); Walnut (f256); Wheat (f4)

Methodology: Immunoassay

Childhood Allergy (Food and Environmental) Profile

Test Code: 36766 (Childhood and Tree Nut Allergy with Reflexes) or 36765 (Childhood Tree Nut Panel)

CPT Code(s): 82785, 86003 (x16)

Includes: IgE allergy testing for: Alternaria alternate (a mold) (m6); Cat dander (e1); Cladosporium herbarum (m2); Cockroach (i6); Codfish (f3); Cow's Milk (f2); Dermatophagoides farina (d2); Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (d1); Dog dander (e5); Egg White (f11); Mouse Urine Proteins (e72); Peanut (f13); Shrimp (f24); Soybean (f14); Walnut (f256); Wheat (f4); Immunoglobin E