Test Code: 17306
CPT Code(s): 82306
Methodology: Immunoassay (IA)
Clinical Significance: Measurement of serum 25-OH vitamin D concentrations provide a good index of circulating vitamin D activity in patients not suffering from renal disease. Lower than normal 25-OH vitamin D levels can result from a dietary deficiency, poor absorption of the vitamin or impaired metabolism of the sterol in the liver. A 25-OH vitamin D deficiency can lead to bone diseases such as rickets and osteomalacia. Above normal levels can lead to hypercalcemia
Additional names: 25 OH Vitamin D;Vitamin D; 25-OH,25-Hydroxy Vitamin D; Vitamin D, 25-Hydroxy
Supply: T01 - Red/Gray SST 8.5mL
Preferred Specimen Requirements: Serum
Preferred Volume: 1mL
Container Type: Serum Separator tube (SST)
Patient Preparation: Fasting preferred
Transport Temperature: Room Temperature
Specimen Stability: Room Temperature: 14 Days
Reject due: Plasma; Specimens exceeding stability; Unlabeled or improperly labeled specimens; Specimens other than serum
For additional supply or collection device information, please contact DLO's Customer Service at (800) 891-2917, option 2.
The CPT codes provided are based on AMA guidelines and are for informational purposes only. CPT coding is the sole responsibility of the billing party. Please direct any questions regarding coding to the payor being billed.